Sunday, January 19, 2014

How Would Dr. King Want You to Celebrate the King Holiday?

Have you ever thought about how Dr. King would want you to celebrate the Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday?  Would he want you to attend services where choirs sing songs of inspiration?  Would he want you to participate in programs where 6th graders reenact the Dream Speech?  Would he want you to go to lectures given by other civil rights veterans?  Would he encourage you to enjoy lunch and dinner specials at your favorite restaurant, or take advantage of the deals provided by retailers?  Would he want the Holiday to be a day of service, or a day of rest?

In pursuit of his Dream, Dr. King probably had few days off.  Fighting for civil rights has no “down time”.  Discrimination and bigotry don’t take holidays.  Dr. King’s dream for us was to have freedom of opportunity in America.  The opportunity to elect those who would serve us best.  The opportunity to be educated at the schools of our choice.  The opportunity to live where ever we wanted to live.  The opportunity to be gainfully employed.  The opportunity to start our own businesses.   The opportunity to pursue our own dreams.


Celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King is not a singular event.  Instead it is a reminder that pursuing dreams is a 24/7/365 thing.  It does not begin or end on January 15th.  I believe that Dr. King would want you to live everyday of your existence striving to be all that you can be.  He would encourage you to continually seek and find your purpose.  He would implore you to make sure you make a difference.  Above all, Dr. King would want you to persistently and tirelessly pursue your own dreams Everyday.


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